Piercing Gaze

This is how the modern royal wedding should look like. This dress is worthy of you, because in this very dress you will be the most irresistible bride. The beautiful fish silhouette tightly fits the female figure, expanding from the hip to the hem. The dress has a cut-off skirt made of flowing light mesh which is a specific feature of this collection. The experts used a longline corset to accentuate the bride's figure. The corset can be completed with the hand-made crystals and beaded embroidery. The smooth flowing of lace to the skirt and a long train blur the line between the imperturbable sexuality and an airy romance. This very model is chosen by the confident beauties who may conquer the world.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Piercing Gaze - aus der sammlung Brave glance kollektion - article - DE 01225.00.17

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