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Сrucial passion

When the designers created this dress look, they decided to make it modest, but at the same time, quite sexy. That is why this model has a lingerie corset which is covered with a light mesh and embroidered with expensive crystals. All this is complemented by a skirt which is also embroidered with crystals and wrapped in a translucent mesh on to and a beautiful train is stretching at the back. In such a dress, any bride will look simply irresistible and attract attention. In addition, the side parts are decorated with the lace appliqués with 3D petals, which are hand-embroidered with beads and crystals that make the model one of the finest quality models.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Сrucial passion - aus der sammlung Brave glance kollektion - article - DE 01232.00.17

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