Speed of love

Unusual and modern dress which attracts attention, the dress which you want to pay close attention to - this is the outfit chosen by a fashionable confident bride for her wedding. Nothing can complement better a sparkling, radiant bride’s look than such a sparkling dress as the Speed of Love dress. This is the solution for the modern and determined brides, as it has a straight silhouette with a high slit in the center and imitation of a clasp. In addition, it has a built-in skirt made of light mesh. The figured undercut, from which the skirt begins, beautifully emphasizes the perfection of the bride's figure. It is worth mentioning that despite the high front slit that reveals most of the legs, it does not constrict the bride's movements. In the upper part of the dress there is a light drapery made of lace of our own production.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Speed of love - aus der sammlung Brave glance kollektion - article - DE 01222.00.17

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