Boudoir dress F-8051

Flawless curves of the body, slimness of the figure, will be best emphasized by a fitted dress, the main fabric of which is satin, in ivory color. The front of the item has a V-shaped neckline, smoothly turning into a strap. A nude-colored mesh is sewn into the neckline. Also, transparent inserts are sewn on the sides of the dress, decorated with loops and lacing. The back of the dress is completely open and has two loops for lacing crosswise. A strap of the front is used as a lacing. The skirt has two wide slits on both sides, which seductively reveal the slender legs of the bride. The fastener of the skirt is a hidden zipper.

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Boudoir dress F-8051 - de la collection - article - FR F-8051.00.00

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