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Ashley (Top)

A modern, trendy and stylish wedding dress. It is designed for the bride who wants to be unique. The designers divided the silhouette into 2 parts: top - an openwork bodice cut in the shape of a top; bottom - a lace mini skirt, over which you can wear a fluffy wedding skirt. Be sure, such a non-standard style of a wedding dress will definitely attract attention. The bride’s look will be not only fashionable, but also very sexy: open legs, bare belly, no sleeves. All these attributes add chic and moderate eroticism. You can emphasize the look with a non-standard veil, decorate it with unusual accessories. The style of the dress opens up wild flights of imagination.

Autres robes de la collection

Ashley (Top) - de la collection Milagro la collection - article - FR B-01122.00.17

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