A romantic, fabulous and sophisticated dress. It is made in A-silhouette and will suit girls with different body shapes, as well as help to achieve sophistication and elegance of the look. The fabric is a soft mesh and serves to create an airy effect - the bride looks weightless and angelically light. The corset has an asymmetrical drapery, the V-neck looks seductive, the sleeves are embroidered with small beads. The back looks especially elegant: thin lines with beads emphasize the slimness of the figure, visually stretch the silhouette. There is a horizontally draped thin belt at the waist. The neat button-and-loop fasteners add sophistication to the look, and the skirt is fastened with a hidden zipper.

Autres robes de la collection

CONCORDIA - de la collection Mysterious Bosphorus la collection - article - FR 08194.00.17

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