
The main Cassandre detail of this romantic A-silhouette dress is the translucent corset with a symbolic heart neckline on the straps. Its delicate glitter will once again emphasize the excellent taste of the bride. It is important that the decor in the form of lace smoothly passes to the skirt. Such a design idea gives the dress a special elegance. The design of the skirt itself is interesting. It is tulle, moderately puffy (by the way, the "puffiness" is given by the special wedges which are sewn on the skirt's upper layer). The fastener is a hidden braid zipper, which is almost invisible. Such a well-thought-out combination of decorations and fabrics creates an unusually sophisticated image.

Autres robes de la collection

Cassandre - de la collection Arôme d'Amour la collection - article - FR 08222.00.17

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