
The unconventional asymmetrical dress will adorn any wedding ceremony where the bride wants to be the main object of attention and overshadow even the most magnificent celebration. The main materials are the lace and glitter, which provide a noble glow in the sunlight. The straight silhouette is complemented by a cut-off cup, over which there is an asymmetrical one-sleeve top. The bottom is also made asymmetrically: there is a detachable yoke that adds volume on the right, and on the left, there is a traditional straight cut of the skirt. The neat ruffles decorate the edge of the skirt and top. 2 detachable elements will help to complete the look: a bolero and an additional asymmetrical skirt.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Caleo - aus der sammlung Six Senses kollektion - article - DE 01271.00.17

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