
The traditional cut of the fishtail wedding dress is implemented by means of fabric with glitter, which shines favorably in the sun and in the camera flashes. The designers have chosen lace as the main decor, which gives tenderness and femininity to any look. A V-neckline with a skin color mesh insert on the bodice is the perfect way to highlight the woman’s skin. The unusual undercut goes above the knee line, widening towards the bottom. You can complement the look with a removable bolero: a convenient button fastener in the armhole will allow you to easily take it off and put it on during the celebration. The bolero is made of the finest tulle and will help to give the look elegance and formality.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Delighta - aus der sammlung Six Senses kollektion - article - DE 01243.00.17

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