
Luxurious wedding dress made of lace fabric and glitter. The glitter provides a noble shine both in natural sunlight and in artificial light. Please pay attention that the effect of the expensive glitter will be noticeable even in the pictures taken during the photo shoot, while the glow is very discreet, rich and fashionable. The bodice has straps and a beautiful V-shaped neckline. The skin color mesh panels on the front and back create the effect of a naked body, highlighting the beauty of women's skin. The whole dress is decorated with the handmade embroidery. You can complement the look with a removable bolero that fastens around the neck: the lace fabric looks light and airy, and the lace repeats the patterns on the dress.

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Fidema - aus der sammlung Six Senses kollektion - article - DE 01261.00.17

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