Cupraea Tigris

The luxurious and provocative wedding dress with a fluffy skirt. Many layers of mesh fabric create a unique silhouette - airy, light, weightless. The gait in this style of dress looks graceful and elegant. The styles of the wedding dresses with fluffy skirts look especially beautiful while dancing, reminding of fabulous balls and masquerades. The bodice is a complex composition of lace, appliques and handmade embroidery. On the back there is a pair of lace ornaments and a transparent fabric that successfully emphasizes the natural beauty of the female body. Please mind, that the shade of the skirt and bodice are different. Such a design approach is considered an absolute hit of the new wedding season.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Cupraea Tigris - aus der sammlung Soul of the Sea kollektion - article - DE 01163.00.17

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