Chicoreus Chicoreum

The Chicoreus Chicoreum dress looks just like in the paintings of the Renaissance artists. Sophisticated, feminine and inimitably delicate. This is exactly what a romantic and graceful bride needs. The base shade looks like the skin color which is considered the hit of the new bridal season. The flesh-colored base is richly decorated with handmade embroidery, the patterns are intricate, luxurious and sophisticated. The bodice has a deep and thin cut to the waistline. Such a design approach will help to visually stretch the figure and add height. The neck is decorated with a scattering of small beads that resemble real pearls and shine brightly in the rays of sunlight.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Chicoreus Chicoreum - aus der sammlung Soul of the Sea kollektion - article - DE 01146.00.17

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