This is one of the most striking and unforgettable wedding models of our new collection. The dress is made of good delicate glitter material. A comfortable, stylish corset of the "bustier" type, fastened at the back with eyelets and lacing, as if painted on the bride's waist. It is originally decorated with two types of sequins: less expressed on the top and with a more pronounced texture in the upper part of the cup. This transition allows you to emphasize the chest well. Luxurious appliqués on the corset smoothly pass into the upper part of a lush satin skirt. The trim of the skirt vividly echoes the top of the cup, which makes the image more perfect. Due to the fact that the lace is embroidered with beads, pearls and rhinestones, the dress looks even more interesting and unusual.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

SELINI - aus der sammlung Passion of the city kollektion - article - DE 01289.00.17

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