Moderately lush, luxurious A-silhouette dress. The model is presented in two especially relevant colors this season – in ivory and light skin. Comfortable, modern modeling corset with cut-off cups, perfectly adjust the figure of the bride. It is conveniently complemented by a secret clasp. The highlight of the model is removable gloves - "the wings," fixed on the buttons to the corset. The lush A-line skirt, which has no extra volume at the waist and hips, complements the whole incredible look. The delicate floral lace is handmade and falls smoothly from the corset to the skirt to hip level. This detail gives the dress a special sophistication. The design is successfully complemented by beads and sequins. This dress is a stylish option for a very stylish lady.

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MALETTA - aus der sammlung Passion of the city kollektion - article - DE 01283.00.17

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