
A traditional lush wedding dress with an unusual bodice. For the bottom, the designers used many layers of the finest mesh fabric, which makes the look of the bride light, airy, almost weightless. The gait in this style of dress is just inimitably elegant. The bodice has a transparent base and is hand-embroidered with small, complex patterns — this outfit looks fashionable and rich. The back is made of transparent fabric with a number of snow-white buttons that go along the spine line and add some refinement and even a certain tenderness to the silhouette. The designers preferred this style, saying that a large number of fasteners excite the male imagination like nothing else. At the same time, the general look of the dress is very conservative.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Bianca - aus der sammlung Milano kollektion - article - DE 01177.00.00

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