
On the day of the wedding celebration, the Zeinep dress will allow the bride to feel like a blue-blooded. Luxurious, lush, with a long train and a large volume of flowing fabric - this style seems to have come down to us from the paintings of ancient artists. Though this image is not a Cinderella dress. Zeinep dress is an outfit of an ancient noble queen, fatal and majestic, deserving the best. Chic lace details adorn the bodice, upper edging and sleeves of the model; on the back there is a round cutout and corset lacing. A long train perfectly completes the look of a real queen, who is getting ready for marriage with a real king.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Zeinep - aus der sammlung Istanbul kollektion - article - DE 3140.20.37

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