
3155.00.17 Aus der Produktion genommen
This dress is the choice of fatal and passionate brides who want to outshine even the light of the sun. The fitted silhouette visually adds height, and the delicate mesh fabric looks very seductive and sexy. Such models of wedding dresses are the choice of all passionate women. Note that for all the provocativeness, the dress has a classic cut and is decorated with delicate handmade lace. All patterns as if stretch from top to bottom, therefore, visually they give the figure slenderness and sophistication. The bodice is decorated with abundant embroidery with many small elements, such a model will fit both girls with a lush bust and the owners of a lean athletic physique.

Andere Kleider aus der Kollektion

Clary - aus der sammlung Classic kollektion - article - DE 3155.00.17

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