
The original style of the wedding dress, which seems to consist of two parts. It is worth noting that such a cut is considered to be the trend of the new wedding season, and this dress is an excellent choice for the brides who want to look trendy. A thin nude mesh was chosen as the main fabric, which suits the color of women’s skin, adding elegance and eroticism to the look. Over the top, the fabric is richly decorated with the intricate lace patterns. The designers preferred to visually separate the top and bottom of the dress, so the waistline remains bare. The additional skirt is made in the traditional style - many layers of lush mesh fabric, weightless and light. This characteristic of the outfit will look fitting during the official part of the celebration, but at the same moment the bride can hold the informal part of the ceremony without it. An additional skirt will also be a great decoration during a photo shoot.

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