
by Liretta

"Liberty" collection is a state of mind that controls the ease of movement and brings incredible pleasure from life.
A bride who chooses a dress from our new collection is free in her desires, in her choice, in the variety and fulfillment of her life.

When getting married, a woman does not change her world, her passion for life, does not lose her individuality and personality, but on the contrary, becomes only the best version of herself alongside her beloved man, who supports her in this.
"Liberty" collection has absorbed all the modern canons of wedding fashion.
The subtlety of lines, the femininity of silhouettes and the tenderness of fabrics create an amazing image of a bride who can be real and bold.

"Liberty" dresses are for brides who emphasize their free nature and are admired.
The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is the courage to choose.

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Über die Liberty-Kollektion

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